Happy New Year! January is the National Family Fit Lifestyle Month! In honor of staying fit for the New Year, here are some fantastic tips on how to establish year-long health goals. The goals will be S.M.A.R.T. so you and your family can achieve success.

#1. Specific: Make the health goal state exactly what you want to achieve in a clear manner.

#2. Measurable: The goal should be something you can count or add up.

#3. Attainable: Goals should also be something you can accomplish using skills and knowledge you have.

#4. Realistic: Establish a result-oriented goal that you believe is reasonable in achieving.

#5. Timely: Set a specific time to complete the goal so that you maintain motivation and get the job done.

Examples of S.M.A.R.T. health goals for the New Year:

  • My family and I will go for a 1 hour walk two times each week in order to stay healthy and active.
  • Five days a week my kids and I will run, dance, or do push-ups and sit-ups for 15 minutes in order to exercise and get energy out for earlier bedtimes.
  • My family and I will cook 4 family dinners at home each week in order to save money and eat healthier meals from smaller portions and less fat/sodium consumption while spending quality family time together.

Now that you know what it’s like to be S.M.A.R.T., set Just 1 goal each month. This way you can achieve your goals in a sustainable manner. You’ll have 12 times to make a new goal for year-long change and upgrades.

Over the course of the year, you and your family will be rocking the healthy lifestyle and will have established sustainable, lifelong beneficial habits for the up-most nutrition and fitness success.

My goal this month: Go to dance class on Monday & Wednesday and do weights on Thursday & Sunday. Who’s going to keep me accountable? My Family!

What’s your goal for January?

By Sarah Koszyk, MA, RDN